Meet the TECH department in BESTSELLER for an informal lunch meeting and gain insight into what it’s like to work there. You get to see the company from the inside and can ask all your relevant questions regarding them as an employer and what a future job and application process would look like.
Note: The seats are limited for this event, so please contact us asap if you are prevented, so another student can get your seat:
Where: Inge Lehmanns Gade 2, 8000 Aarhus (you will meet in the reception)
When: Wednesday, May 10, 12:00-13:30
What: At this lunch, you will meet four of the BESTSELLER TECH colleagues – each one representing one of the core roles the teams in BESTSELLER TECH are built upon: an Analyst, a Scrum Master, a Product Owner, and a Developer. The four of them will give you a little glimpse into their daily tasks and share insights on how it is working as a young IT professional in BESTSELLER TECH. They will all stick around and will be happy to answer all your questions during the informal lunch.
Here are the cool persons that you are having lunch with:
Name: Phu Minh Pham
Education: ICT Engineer 2013 (Information Communication Technology Engineer from Aarhus University School of Engineering)
Role & Team: Developer (with multiple roles) - Team New Retail
Your BESTSELLER story in a few headlines: Started in Bestseller on the 1st of March 2019 in Team New Retail (formerly known as Team Eagle) and still glued to the same chair. Developing, operating, supporting and managing the retail software which is running across all our 2500 tills and expanding. Tech specialist by day and fitness instructor by night.
The coolest thing in BESTSELLER TECH is: We are everywhere.
Name: Camilla Mols
Education: Buying Assistant (BESTSELLER)
Role & Team: Analyst and Scrum Master in Tech Sourcing
Your BESTSELLER story in a few headlines: In 2017 I started as a Buying apprentice in VILA (a brand within BESTSELLER). After two years of education and work of designing and making garments I internally transferred within VILA to a position as Supply Chain Coordinator. In February 2021 I started in TECH as an Analyst in Tech Buying and only after a few months I migrated to Tech Sourcing where I have been ever since.
The coolest thing in BESTSELLER TECH is: My dear colleagues – tech people are cooler than you think!
Name: Tobias Meyer Jensen
Education: Handels assistent (Bestsellers elev uddannelse)
Role & Team: Product Owner at TECH Best Connect, Onboarding & support
Your BESTSELLER story in a few headlines: I started the apprentice ship back in 2015 at Jack & Jones Key Account Sales Support team (Brande). Finished in 2017 and get a permanent position at Jack & Jones as a Key Account Sales Supporter. In 2018 I was promoted to Team Leader of the Key Account Support team. In 2020 I switched to Customer Relations at BESTSELLER. In 2021 I Started in Tech Best Connect as an Analyst & Scrum Master, and in 2022 I became a product owner in Tech Best Connect, Onboarding & Support.
The coolest thing in BESTSELLER TECH is: Being a part of an organization where we are helping our brands and businesses reaching their goals in the future! Also having the possibility to pitch new tech ideas towards the business that can improve their business
Name: Clara Pontoppidan Holmgaard Pedersen
Education: ITKO (IT, kommunikation og organisation) from Aarhus University
Role & Team: Business Analyst in Team Retail Solutions
Your BESTSELLER story in a few headlines: I started in BESTSELLER in July 2022 right after I finished my master. Since then I have been handling different tech projects related to the retail stores - for example planning/handling the switch to our new retail system for all our partners.
The coolest thing in BESTSELLER TECH is: The diversity among people working in BEESTSELLER TECH.
NB: When signing up to our event you automatically become a member of our Student Club and will ongoingly recieve our newsletter with event invitations, job opportunities, technical blog posts, and inspiring stories.
We are 275 Developers, Product Owners, Scrum Masters, Analysts, Supporters, and many more with the ambition to digitize BESTSELLER’s value chain with simple and innovative solutions. We are driven by enabling our colleagues around the world to excel in what they do best: design, buy and sell fashion. We work cross-functionally and are proud of our collaborative, international and informal culture. In BESTSELLER, TECH means business.
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