Thursday February 22, from 08.30 – 10.00 in the morning.
Søren Frichs Vej 39, 8000, Aarhus C
Mmm, reports! Graphs, tables and other Excel goodness. Carefully collected, severely scrutinized and often obsolete by the time it lands on your managers desk. But what if there was another way?
In military terminology, a Common Operational Picture is a single identical display of relevant (operational) information shared by more than one Command. A COP enables both the lowest soldier and highest commander to independently and immediately sense and act in a collaborative fashion to achieve the predefined mission and commanders intent.
Systematic has tried to use the same approach to metrics and reporting: Collecting quality data from many different sources, and combining into one single quality cockpit – containing an aggregated view of the situation for senior management and detailed views for projects and teams. The quality cockpit gathers data automatically, presents the current situation and provides direct links to dig into the underlying data. Over the past few years of implementing the cockpit and the routines surrounding it, it’s gone from being a pilot project to an integrated part of their daily work, supported by development teams and senior management alike.
In this talk, Jørgen Lund will go through the merits of having a common source of truth for the project status and how that helps to create ownership in the projects and teams, and enables the teams to react on the fly when issues pop up. He will talk about their process for selecting quality metrics and defining goals that allows projects to stay in flow, without letting the issues pile up. Finally, he'll give some examples of the metrics they use with some visual examples of their quality cockpit.
After graduating with a master’s degree in Computer Science, Jørgen ventured into the world of testing. Over the past 16 years, he has served in every thinkable and unthinkable role related to testing. Today, he works as a Program Test Manager where he coach other Test Managers and Testers, implement strategic initiatives and train new employees in testing.
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