When: Tuesday, February 21, 08:30-10:00
Where: Systematic, Søren Frichs Vej 39, 8000 Aarhus C
We devote a lot of time and energy writing good code accompanied by automated tests, or conducting the best possible test. While doing that, we sometimes overlook a critical factor: Speed! Being able to build and test faster provides a lot of potential benefits:
– Better quality, from being able to go through more iterations in the same time
– Better productivity, from spending less time waiting and providing a stronger correlation between changes to the code and resulting bugs
– Better collaboration between testers and developers, from providing feedback while issues are still fresh, instead of throwing them over the hedge
In this talk, I will share what I’ve learned about continuous delivery and developer productivity, and how these topics can improve our life as testers. I will show examples of how we have addressed the issues in my project and what benefits we have seen from doing it. And I’ll try to share some advice on how to get started in your project!
Do also take a look at the other Morning Meetups within test:
- March 14: Scalable end-to-end Testing of Web Applications with Selenium Grid with Bankdata
- April 18: UI Testing of a SAAS hosted Application using SpecFlow and Azure DevOps with Delegate
Jørgen Lund, Program Test Manager at Systematic Denmark
After graduating with a master’s degree in Computer Science, I ventured into the world of testing. Over the past 15 years, I have served in every thinkable and unthinkable role related to testing. Today, I work as a Program Test Manager where I coach other Test Managers and Testers, implement strategic initiatives and train new employees in testing.
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