Building software today most often consists of combining multiple tech stacks, learning different API:s. Well that can be fun, but it can also be overwhelming sometimes, when the business wants the features released “yesterday”. What if you as a developer could have a developer data platform that removes the complexity and can support you in building multiple use cases. In this session you will learn more about MongoDB Atlas a developer data platform and why it matters to be able to build Modern Applications
- Why the uprise of NoSQL databases
- Why we need an Developer Data Platform
- Why MongoDB Atlas
- MongoDB Core concepts- Increase the confidence level moving to the cloud
- Grow with your data without getting broke
- Analytics on MongoDB
- Embedded Lucene based Full text search
- Consume and publish data
- Q&A
When: Tuesday 27th September, 16:00-17:30
Where: Online or in person at Danske Bank, Edwin Rahrs Vej 40, 8220 Braband
Moving on from legacy architecture and infrastructure can be daunting for many organisations and for those that are already on.
Pierre is an Advisory Solutions Architect at MongoDB ex AWS. His role is to help companies to realize the power of data and show them what can become possible when data becomes agile. Pierre has been writing code since he first touched a Luxor ABC 80, in the mid-eighties. He inspires builders to unlock the value of the cloud, using his secret blend of passion, enthusiasm, customer advocacy, curiosity and creativity. His interests are about software architectures and developer tools. Pierre has a developer background, working in the field for 23+ years.
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