When: Tuesday, February 28, 16:00-17:30
Where: BESTSELLER, Inge Lehmanns gade 2, 8000 Aarhus C
During this Talk, Henrik Høegh will talk about leaning forward in the Cloud Native space by showcasing how GitOps is shaping the Lunar landscape when doing failover and platform engineering.
These insights will be shared as part of three talks combined into one under the title: “How GitOps is shaping the Lunar landscape when doing failover and platform engineering”.
Talk 1:
In this talk Henrik is going to present his KubeCon keynote talk "Pushing it to the limit". In this talk Henrik will show how we at Lunar worked hard to optimize our failover capabilities. You will learn what we did and how we went from 4 hours to 40 minutes in doing a failover of an entire environment. Henrik will also extend the talk by showing what we have achieved since KubeCon with Cluster API.
Talk 2:
This talk, "Making the right abstractions", is all about abstractions when doing platform engineering. First off, what is an abstraction and why is it important when talking about platform engineering. In this talk, Henrik will also tell how and where we at Lunar make our abstractions with open-source tooling.
Talk 3:
This is a short talk, "GitOps: Catch 22", is about GitOps and why it's important to have the right mindset when doing GitOps. In this talk, Henrik will use an example of a "failover" object in Kubernetes and show why this is a bad way of describing a capability in Git. After the talk you will be better equipped at formulating your objects when creating your own Kubernetes operators.
Henrik Høegh is a Cloud Native Co-organizer in Cloud Native Aarhus where he contributes to the community with event planning and talks. He works as Platform Engineer at Lunar maturing, developing the platform and giving support to its users. He is currently focused on maturing Lunars failover capabilities and onboarding new developers to the platform. He has been using Kubernetes since early 2016 and has done countless talks on Kubernetes for beginners. Before joining Lunar Henrik worked as a consultant implementing a Cloud Native edge computing platform for one of the largest wind turbine companies in the world.
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